The yarn was easy to wind up, good texture, easy to unravel when needed.
My daughter loved the camp, and learned how to crochet! She wants to go back to every camp they have.
Seahorses remain an enigma. These mysterious-looking creatures appear to float around coastal seas with a grace and level of perfection that draws in admirers from all quarters of the world. Seahorses were once seen as symbols of power and of authority. This crochet cutie is named Bubbles because it produces a lot of bubbles when it is floating around below sea level. Bubbles is 20 x 9 cm (7.9 x 3.5 in)
This kit contains:
- 2 bobbins Eco Barbante 50 gr Lagoon
- 1 bobbin Eco Barbante 50 gr Popcorn
- black left-overs
- crochet needleColor-Turquoise Aqua Shades
DIY Crochet Kit Seahorse Bubbles Eco Barbante Lagoon